TheO6 Project

Is a Youthwork project based in Ottery St Mary and currently comprises of a group of Trustees, a Youth Pastor, and the support of local churches and community organisations. 


We aim to support and work with young people in the local community. This is done through working with local church and community youth groups, working in the local Secondary and Primary schools, Mentoring and Coaching, Mental Health First Aid and Independent Projects. 


We actively seek to  listen and learn from where Young People are at, personally, socially and spiritually, and seek to encourage, develop and enlargen their experiences thereof. Our Office base is at the The Station, Mill Street, Ottery St Mary, call us on 07427108734.


For a more detailed description of what we do, the various partners and events coming up please explore the website further.



You can now donate online via Everyclick , and so everytime you search the internet, do any online shopping, please click everyclick/give as you live and a tiny % of your purchase can come to us... at no extra cost to you...! 


Search the web and raise money for THEO6



For further information please dont hesitate to contact Graham by email at





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How many different youth organisations have you attended in Ottery as a young person ( ie Scouts, youth centre, football etc)?

1-2 (88)

3-4 (74)

5-6 (69)

7-8 (76)

more than 8 different organisations (69)

Total votes: 376